Something still rotten
IN SEPTEMBER last year a warrant was issued for the arrest of Sitaram Prasain, who was accused of stealing $4.3m from his own bank. This plunged the partly state-owned outfit, set up to lend to small businesses, into insolvency. Yet somehow the police could not find him. He seemed invisible, even when many of the country's top politicians attended his son's lavish wedding. For many Nepalis, this was all too typical of a system where the rich and privileged are above the law.
When the Young Communist League, a squad of thugs run by Nepal's Maoists, kidnapped Mr Prasain this month and paraded him in front of the press before handing him to the police, there was an almighty row. Girija Koirala, the irate prime minister, called them the “Young Criminal League”. The Maoist leader, known as Prachanda, retorted that it was Mr Koirala who consorted with criminals. Ashish Thapa, of Transparency International, an anti-corruption watchdog, points out that Mr Prasain had given generously to various political parties.
The Supreme Court itself is bound up in the culture of impunity. Earlier this year an unsuccessful litigant released recordings of his efforts to win a property dispute through bribery. No action has been taken. Yet the judiciary has a vital role in the peace process, both in hearing important constitutional cases and in a planned “truth and reconciliation” process over the many human-rights abuses committed by both sides to the conflict.
The police, too, have a big role to play in establishing law and order before and during elections due this autumn. Yet listening to a group of mid-ranking officers discussing their hopes for juicy job postings does not inspire confidence. The luckiest among them might end up with a casino on their beat, with attendant opportunities for kickbacks. Since Mr Koirala, from the Congress Party, became prime minister last year many officers with Congress links have been promoted.
“It goes to the feudal character of our society,” says Devendra Panday, a former finance minister who is now a campaigner for peace and democracy. “In the patron-client system there is no incentive to clamp down on corruption.” Nepotism and party bias in appointments undermine institutions. “The country is full of incompetent people as well as corrupt ones.”
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