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Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Reforms In Education

MINISTER for Education and Sports Pradeep Nepal has underlined the need for keeping universities and academic institutions free from political influence so that they can genuinely engage in academic activities. Speaking at an interaction programme organised by Pokhara University Teachers' Association in Pokhara on Monday, Minister Nepal called upon all, including the political parties, their sister organisations and others, not to carry out activities that exert unnecessary pressure and disturb the teaching and learning activities. The remarks and request of the minister are very significant, coming as it does at a time when the universities and academic institutions have become a victim of political pressure. The universities were without heads and responsible authorities for almost one year due to political reasons as the political parties wanted their appointees as heads and other office bearers of the universities. Thus, the universities and other such institutions were severely affected. This practice must end as a new culture must evolve in order to develop academic institutions as truly independent institutions. Against this background, there is need for change in the mentality of the political parties. At the same time, total reform in the education system is also the need of the hour - right from the pre-primary level to higher education.
Considering this need, the Ministry of Education is mulling change in the organisational structure of the entire education system. At present there are four tires of school education - pre-primary, primary, secondary and higher secondary. The government is planning to have just three tiers in school education. Besides, the government has also taken some other important decisions, which are likely to have a far-reaching impact on the education sector, if they are to be strictly implemented in accordance with the inherent spirit of the change. So far decisions in the education sector have been taken on an ad hoc basis. With the change of government, the policies in the education sector have also changed. As a result, the quality of Nepal's education has been under serious scrutiny. The education system in Nepal has so far produced more certificate holders than qualitative and skilled human resource. Thus, our education sector requires serious reforms and changes in order to enhance the quality. First and foremost, we must free our education sector from politics. The politicians and parties need to strop interfering in the education and academic institutions for their partisan interests. If education were to be freed from politics and political interference, half the problems in the education sector would be solved automatically.
Source: The Rising Nepal, May 30, 2007

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