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Friday, 25 May 2007

Focus On MDGs

EVER since Nepal expressed its commitment at the United Nations Millenium Summit to meet the basic needs of the people by 2015, the government has taken a number steps to meet the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) within the stipulated time frame. The Millenium Summit set eight different development goals to be met by the developing world. These goals include, among others, alleviating poverty, ensuring universal primary education, reducing child and maternity mortality, ensuring gender equality and fighting the AIDS epidemic. Although the poverty alleviation programme and other issues contained in the MDGs have been the priority of the government for long, Nepal has been making extra efforts to achieve these targets since 2000. Poverty is the highest priority of the government. All economic and development programmes have been integrated with the poverty alleviation strategy, and Nepal has achieved significant progress on various fronts. Nepal is well ahead in reducing child mortality, which has been a lesson for other developing countries. In other sectors, too, Nepal's progress has been satisfactory. But resource crunch has put tremendous pressure on the government in carrying out programmes related to the MDGs. Moreover, the decade-long conflict seriously marred the development activities, which caused negative growth in some sectors. However, it did not deter the government from pursuing programmes designed to meet the basic needs of the people. The literacy rate has gone up, and student enrollment in the schools has been satisfactory. The poverty alleviation strategy is also gaining momentum and the efforts at gender equality and fighting AIDS have also been encouraging. All these developments have shown that Nepal is on track to achieving the Millenium Development Goals.
Nepal is a country with limited resources. But it needs huge funds to rebuild the infrastructure damaged during the violent conflict. For this, Nepal needs strong and meaningful support from the international community. So far, support from the donors has been encouraging. But such efforts should be enhanced if Nepal is to achieve its goal for development. In the light of progress and constraints towards meeting the MDGs, vice-chairman of the Nation Planning Commission Jagadish Chandra Pokhrel, at a meeting of the United Nations Economic and Social Council for Asia and the Pacific (UESCAP) in Kazakhastan recently, expressed Nepal's commitment to achieving the MDGs and called upon the international community, in general, and the United Nations, in particular, to increase the level of assistance to Nepal. As observed by vice chairman Pokhrel, Nepal would march ahead in achieving the development goals set by the United Nations in time only if the international community actively supports Nepal's bid.
Source: The Rising Nepal, May 25, 2007

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