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Monday, 30 April 2007

Abandon Strikes

The unrest in Madhesh and Bhabar has not come to an end. The strikes and stoppage of work have been resorted to time and again. Though there has been a noticeable improvement in the law and order situation across the country, Madhesh and Bhabar are yet to return to normal. But what should be appreciated is that the Maoists have abandoned their armed pursuit of politics. They have committed not to pursue violence for any political ends. Moreover, they have joined the interim parliament and, consequently, the interim government - a long journey from conflict to conciliation. The problems that the country had faced due to the conflict have been resolved despite some minor aberrations and obstacles here and there. It is indeed an obligation on the part of the groups and organisations to learn from the examples set by the Maoists and renounce violence and agitational politics to pursue the cause of peace and harmonious coexistence.

However, the Madhesh and Bhabar have neither listened to the call for dialogue nor learned to refrain from indulging in agitational politics. They are tendentiously becoming used to calling transportation strikes and setting blockades along the highways as a result of which people travelling along the long route are forced to halt and be stranded for several days. Subsequent to the three-day strike called by the Madhesi Janadjhikar Forum last week, the strikes and agitation called by the Chure Bhabar Ekata Samaj in some of the districts from the central and eastern region has affected life seriously. What is disconcerting has been the death of an agitationist on Saturday in clashes with the armed police in eastern Terai. In the same way, several others were hurt. It will be relevant to note at least three dozen people have been killed in the movement called by the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum. Since the country has moved ahead towards addressing the needs and aspirations of the people and the date for the constituent assembly polls is being announced soon, all should bear patience and provide cooperation to the government in making the democratic exercise a success.

Source: The Rising Nepal, April 30, 2007

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