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Friday, 8 June 2007


With Shyam Saran-the former Indian Foreign Secretary, gone, the Indian establishment appears to have now shifted its sympathy from the Maoists to the unity in between Nepali Congress and United Marxist-Leninist, the UML-party. It was none less than the Indian Proxy Prime Minister Dr. Man Mohan Singh who “instructed” the visiting UML delegation led by Madhav Kumar Nepal to forge a sort of alliance with the Nepali Congress led by Girija Prasad Koirala. Now that the Indian PM has said so, the UML, as a good student of India since a decade or so, would go by the Indian instructions. Naturally, the news itself is a disturbing one for the Maoists.
Reacting to this fresh Indian political overture aimed at “cornering” the entire Maoists paraphernalia, Comrade Prachanda sees an Indian “design” in the instructions provided to Comrade Madhav Nepal the other day. “If this is so, then we are also free to frame an entirely different policy on India”, said a fuming Prachanda today. Prachanda made these declarations upon listening to the changed Indian stance in Butwal. Analysts say that the Indian politics in Nepal has ever remained “divide and rule” which they copied from their colonizers.
Now that the UML and the NC would certainly come closer as per the Indian sermons which mean that the Maoists will be left in the cold. An extension of this would mean that India wants now the unity among the SPA but not the EPA. The Maoists are not fools, any way. They know how to tame India. Kalapani, the continued land encroachment and the Susta issues are some, among others, which would be more handy for the Maoists to torture India in Nepal. The stage is thus set for Maoists-India face to face. No wonder one fine morning India could even declare that it has revived its “Three-Pillar Theory”.
Source: The Telegraph Nepal, June 6, 2007

Nepal: Obstacles to the Maoists

Rajat KC
In May 25, cadres of Young Communist League (YCL), a youth wing of the Nepal Communist Party (Maoist) in Nepal, threw stones at a United Nations (U.N.) vehicle, in which United States (U.S.) Ambassador for Nepal James F Moriarty was also traveling. As per report a group of people headed by YCL coordinator of district level named, Prasant pelted stones at the U.N. vehicle with the number plate (66-1-0077) in Jhapa district. They also chanted slogans and waved black flags against the U.S. ambassador. Couple of months ago similar type of incident was took place when King Gyanendra was on his way in capital city. In both the incidents Monarch and Moriarty escaped uninjured but the vehicles were minor damaged.
Moriarty and Monarchy are three main pillars in present context that create great obstacles to the Maoists in their path to declare Nepal a communist state. The Maoists knows very well that as long as Monarchy exists in Nepal their dream will not come true. On the other hand the United States at all cross will not compromise in democracy and freedom by allowing the Maoists to declare one party totalitarian political system. Mainly due to these two reasons both the institutions become biggest enemy of the Maoists in present context. Therefore, time and again they try to create misunderstanding between Monarchy and Moriarty and some time target both directly.

Last year the Maoists publicized news that with the help of Army the Palace and US Embassy is plotting assassination plan to killed Maoists Supremo Prachanda and Leader Baburam Bhattarai, which was later proved false propaganda. Such a dirty propaganda was exposed by Comrade Rabindra Shrestha, a leader of rebel fraction of the Maoists. Again few months ago Prachanda announced that the Palace is plotting another assassination plan to kill Kathmandu based US diplomats and senior officials. On this baseless remark the Embassy challenged the Maoists leadership to present evidence if they have, but they were failed to present any sort of evidence. This indicates the Maoists is masterminding negative propaganda to create conspiracy to obtain their desired goals.
Nepalese Monarchy probably would not have imagined facing dilemma as they are facing now. Their contributions in nation building are remarkable but it was overshadowed by the Maoists' sponsored propaganda staged in national and international arena. The Maoists is able to launch propaganda against the Monarchy to degrade the latter's image and popularity. Surprisingly, other political forces are also carrying same impression that makes people to believe all fabricated negative propaganda about the Monarchy. The Maoists are destroying various historical monuments and statues related to Monarchy that includes statue of the late King who is known as founder of the nation.
The Maoists gave false icon to international communities and Nepali people that they pretend to show their faith to ongoing peace process. This gives impression that the peace process is moving towards right direction to establish peace and democracy in Nepal. Most of the people believe that the Maoists have joined main stream politics of Nepal, however, they do not know that the Maoists are using present platform as their launching pad to seize the power to declare Nepal a communist model People's Republic. The strategy of 'Prachanda Path' adopted by the Maoists is designed to make Nepal a communist state. This strategy clearly spells out their desired objective with the vision to establish communist set up in the country. Bunch of Maoists leadership at different level are openly expressing that they are fully committed on strategy adopted by the Maoists leadership to make Nepal a Maoists (communist) state. Unless and until they officially abandon "Prachanda Path" and announce their new strategy (dedicated to full fledged democracy) complying with mutual understanding of eight party alliance, one should not trust them on their false claim. Daily activities of the Maoists in the name of YCL also indicate that they are still unbending in their original hard line philosophy of communism. Recent violent activities across the country also make people pessimistic on ongoing peace process.

The Maoists often blame America as imperialist and is always against the peace process of Nepal. Where as, in the contrary, the United States constantly express her strong support on peace process and concern about democracy and freedom. The US Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, Barry R Lowenkron said on his recent visit to Nepal that the United States would always support Nepal in its peace process. He further said that he is in Nepal to "promote setting a firm date for the Constituent Assembly elections, to encourage the Interim Government to establish an open and inclusive electoral and political process, to examine human rights protection and abuses, and to encourage all parties to the comprehensive peace agreement to adhere to their commitments to bring lasting peace and democracy to Nepal." During a meeting with Minister for Foreign Affairs Sahana Pradhan, Lowenkron opined that since the country was heading towards Constituent Assembly elections, it was not justifiable
to declare Nepal a republic through the parliament itself. This is indeed slapping statement for the Maoists as it slams their strategy to eliminate their first enemy (Monarchy) by declaring republic with the help of leftist dominated parliament by captivating advantages of ongoing whim.
The Maoists in Nepal are able to make inane to most of the elements at national and international level with the help of their craftiness strategy except the United States. As the US authority has correctly perceived their inner motive always putting pressure on the Maoists to adhere the norms of the peace process. Therefore, it has been said that if Mr. Moriarty had not put substantial pressure on this regards Nepal would have already declared a Maoists states. No matter what strategy Maoists play in present Nepal the democracy is uncompromising necessity of the country. The Maoists think they are true democrats but their philosophy, attitude and behaviors never comply with democratic norms. They need to be completely changed to be the democratic force but in the contrary they are trying to create strong leftist alliance to confront with other democratic forces. Only democratic force may not be able to counter their future threats in order to drag the Maoists into democratic track, oldest institution of the country like Monarchy also can contribute extra support to the democratic political forces to secure democracy and freedom in Nepal. If the key international friend understand this fact and seriously provide necessary support no one can play against the ongoing peace process.
Source: American Chronicle, June 6, 2007

Nepal seeks to abolish monarchy through parliamentary vote

Kathmandu, June 07: Nepal has introduced a bill in the interim Parliament that seeks to abolish the monarchy thugh a parliamentary vote incase the king obstructs the holding of the constituent assembly polls to frame a new constitution for the Himalayan nation. The government registered the bill to amend the constitution after a cabinet decision yesterday that sought to abolish the monarchy through two-third vote in case the king obstrus the process of holding the constituent assembly elections pnned at the end of this year.
The Maoists have warned of a massive agitation if the parliament fails to end the monarchy. Maoists chief Prachanda has said the former rebels would launch a movement from both within parliament and outside to declare Nepal a republic if the parliament fails to end the monarchy in the Himalayan state.
The bill also seeksrovision for the ouster of the Prime Minister by a similar majority vote of the Parliament, review of the delineation of the electoral constituencies and to fix a new date for the crucial constituent assembly polls. The government also decided to debar persons found guilty by the high-level probe commission formed to punish those involved in violently crushing the April 2006 agitation from the Constituent Assembly polls.
Source: Zee News, June 7, 2007

BJP in favour of democracy in Nepal

New Delhi: Expressing itÂ’s concern over the growing Maoist problem in the neighbour Himalayan Kingdom Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP) said on Thursday that the party would support a democratically elected government in Nepal. The gesture came from the party president Rajnath Singh after a meeting with Madhav Nepal, chief of Communist Party of Nepal, who is on a visit to India.

The two leaders discussed about the ISI activities and the Madhesis' problem. The Communist leader also discussed with Rajnath Singh the agitation of Madhesis, people of Indian origin living in the Terai region of Nepal, and assured the BJP leader that he would convey his suggestions and concerns to his party colleagues. Notably a five member delegation from BJP had visited Nepal in January 2007.

Singh also emphasise the importance of conserving the religious and cultural identity which has been the foundation of relationship between two countries. Indirectly cautioning the newly formed government in Nepal to take proactive steps in order to preserve the Hindu and Buddhist heritages in the country.
Source: Headlines India, June 7, 2007

Nepal on the track

Imran Khalid
Last week's agreement between the governing seven-party-alliance (Spa) and the Maoists to hold elections for a constituent assembly between mid-November and mid-December is a significant episode in Nepal's political history. The promise of elections, which were originally scheduled for June, was a key part of the deal signed by the Maoists with the government last year. Since April 2006, when the Nepalese monarch retreated within 19 days of protests, albeit with a toll of 19 lives of the protestors, there has been smooth progress towards the culmination of the Maoists' insurgency and establishment of democratic culture in a country that has been a monarchy for the last 238 years.

The restored parliament has drastically curtailed the king's power and prerogatives in the political system, and the Maoists are showing a readiness to get assimilated into mainstream politics and the power structure -- raising hopes of a move towards peace, stability and economic growth in this impoverished country. Since 1996, the Maoist factor has been dominating Nepalese politics. The Maoists, who had been violently agitating for the "removal of monarchy, liberation of rural population from the grip of the landlords and local administration, and creation of a "republic Nepal" for over a decade, got the impetus in their movement only during the last 14 months of King Gyanendra's despotic rule that had blatantly purged any traces of freedom of expression or democratic rights from Nepal.
Factually speaking, during their decade-long "people's war" that took at least 13,000 lives, the insurgent Maoists were able to generate as much momentum in their struggle against the monarchy as they had after February 2005. The real problem with the Maoist leadership was that it constantly squabbled with the mainstream political parties on this issue, and clung on to its violent methods. However, despite the heavy human toll, the Maoist's violent campaign could not generate enough effective thrust to seriously challenge and threaten the stability of the Kathmandu establishment.

Late King Birendra's constitutional reforms of 1990 -- that encouraged the establishment of a constitutional monarchy and rendered the King a popular titular head -- was certainly a prudent decision that kept the political forces from joining hands with the Maoist guerillas, and extinguished the possibility of any tangible anti-monarchy movement. The current intensity in the anti-Gyanendra movement derived its impulse from the fact that seven major political parties formed a loose alliance with the Maoists under a 12-point agreement that asked the Maoists to play by the rules of parliamentary democracy. The synergy created by the joint political forces and the Maoists added the incisive punch in the anti-monarchy campaign that had been missing in the past. The most positive aspects of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed between the two sides on November 21 last year are the Maoists' announcement to lay down their arms and to join the interim government, as well as to nominate members for the parliament.
The fact is that the Maoists control almost two-thirds of rural Nepal, and no government is likely to succeed in the implementation of any kind of developmental programs in Nepal without their cooperation and support. With 83 nominated members in the 329-member interim assembly, and five ministers in the interim cabinet, the Maoists are quickly de-learning their violent trends. But, despite registering their fighters and weapons with the United Nations, the Maoists still face allegations of extortions, beatings and kidnappings -- raising doubts whether the jungle warriors have really changed their outlook. Some members of the Maoists who have yet to adjust to their new life are habitually involved in these kinds of street crimes, and the Maoist leadership is trying to control these elements. Last month, after a hotelier was kidnapped and beaten for failing to hand over cash to the Maoists, the business community in Kathmandu staged a three-day strike. This was a major blow for the Maoist leadership's claim regarding a "change."
Even Maoist chairman, Pushpa Kamal Dahal (also known as Prachanda), was forced to apologise and take action against the renegade former fighters. Apparently, the Maoists have understood the changed ground realities, and they want to take full advantage of the current situation. They are in a really good position to secure enough seats in the constituent assembly, and thus fulfill their prime demand that primarily revolves around the abolition of monarchy in Nepal. The coming months are likely to be dominated by an intense debate on the future of monarchy in Nepal.

The constituent assembly's major business will be to rewrite the constitution and redefine the role of monarchy. But, given the growing disillusionment with the monarchy, there is little hope for any significant role for it in Nepal, where the people were used to viewing the King as a God-like figure. But the "people's war" of 2006 has changed the whole scenario. Even the respected octogenarian Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala, who until recently was considered to be the only prominent politician in favour of the monarchy, has now changed his tone and has started talking openly about ditching the monarchy. This is a major development that may further heat up the issue when the elections are held in the later part of this year. So, Nepal is on the track.
Source: The Daily Star, June 8, 2007